Windsor Horse Rangers
Charity website with major bugs preventing members from accessing their content requiring a timely resolution.

Karen came to us with website issues preventing her members from accessing the content in the Members Only areas of the website. On investigation, this was identified as a permissions problem within the database and was quickly resolved. The entire website was carefully brought up to standard and now runs all the recommended WordPress, PHP, theme and plugin software.
With the site now under management, we’ve been working with Karen on additional changes to styling and content, using the support time included in her plan.

About Windsor Horse Rangers
Windsor Horse Rangers is a charity educating children about all aspects of riding and horse care. They have 24 horses who are cared for by 180 children aged 8-18 every weekend.
The children learn how to get the horses ready to ride, how to clean up after them and every aspect of how to look after a horse. As well as learning about riding and horse care, Rangers learn other skills like teamwork and respect for people and animals.

They take all the hassle out of looking after and updating our web-site
What Windsor Horse Rangers Say
After years of trying to muddle through trying to fix our web-site issues on our own it was such a relief to partner with GorillaHub. They take all the hassle out of looking after and updating our web-site and respond very quickly to any issues or requests for help. I highly recommend them.
- Director of OperationsWindsor Horse Rangers
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If this is the sort of work you are looking for from the kind of partner you want to work with, please get in touch and we’ll see how we an help.