WordPress Website Security

Tips and advice on keeping your small business WordPress website secure and safe

WordPress Website Security Articles

  • person holding white ceramic mug

    14 June 2024
    Having a WordPress website infected with malware or malicious code can be a nightmare for website owners, leading to potential security breaches, data loss, and damage to your online reputation. We'll show you how to recover your website from malware attacks and ensure a safe and secure online environment for your customers and visitors.
  • WordPress Support

    21 May 2024
    WordPress user account management is a crucial aspect of website security that small business owners should prioritise. Neglecting this area can leave your online presence vulnerable to potential threats and unauthorized access, which could lead to disastrous consequences for your business.
  • 28 November 2022
    The day has finally arrived. PHP 7.4 has been retired and will no longer be updated. Do you need to worry?
  • black haired man making face

    21 November 2022
    If you are a small business, you might think nobody will want to hack your website. Think again. But why do websites get hacked?
  • blue elephant plush toy on black laptop computer

    16 September 2022
    PHP 7.4 (the language WordPress websites run on) is "End of Life" in a few months. What is it and what does this mean for your WordPress website?
  • Gold-colored Abus Padlock With Key

    9 August 2022
    WordPress is the most popular open-source website tool, with over 43% of all websites running on it. This popularity has come at a price however, as it is one of the most targeted platforms in the world. Learn what are the key things to think about to keep your site secure, safe, and up-to-date.