WordPress 5.3 is now available for download / upgrade with significant updates for the block editor and changes in readiness for PHP 7.4.
AKA Gutenberg, the Block Editor has now been around for around 12 months now but has been pretty basic so far, as changes have not been added to the core updates this year.
That’s about to change, with 13 updates worth of changes in the Gutenberg plugin being added into WordPress 5.3.

With the next major release of PHP scheduled for release later this month, WordPress 5.3 adds full support for PHP 7.4.
Other features include improvements to image management, Site Health and admin email re-verification to avoid site lockouts if you change email address.
As usual, we will be testing and upgrading customers websites over the coming weeks.
More details: httpss://wordpress.org/news/2019/11/kirk/